Thursday, October 25, 2012

The University of Alabama College of Arts and Sciences / Department of Theatre and Dance

Students interested in pursuing a degree in Theatre can participate in Audition, Interview and Scholarship Day for The University of Alabama College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Theatre and Dance that will be held on  Friday, November 16th (registration deadline November 12th) and on Saturday, January 26th (registration deadline January 22nd).  It is open to all high school seniors.

For information on specific program areas, contact:

Raphael Crystal - Musical Theatre --
Randy deCelle -Technical Direction -
Andy Fitch - Scene Design-
Donna Meester - Costume Design -
Christopher Montpetit - Theatre Management -
Seth Panitch - Acting -
William Teague - Lighting and Sound Design -
Ed Williams - Directing/State Management -

Stokes Educational Scholarship Program - National Security Agency Scholarships

The Stokes Educational Scholarship Program gives students an opportunity to gain valuable experience in careers with the National Security Agency.  In addition to exciting work and the satisfaction of serving your country, you receive:

  • Tuition and mandatory fees up to $30,000 per year.
  • Year-round salary while attending college.
  • Housing and travel entitlements during summer employment (if the distance between NSA and the school exceeds 75 miles).
  • Continued employment with NSA after graduation.
  • Paid time off.
  • Health and life insurance.
  • Federal retirement plans.
By participating in the Stokes Educational Scholarship, you have to agree to work for NSA for at least one-and-one-half times the length of the study upon graduation.

You must apply online at

Applications must be submitted by November 15th.  Please indicate "Direct Mail" as the "Referral Source" when applying online.

If you have questions, call NSA Student Program Office at 1-800-NSA-HIRE or 410-854-4725.

First Scholars Program at the The University of Alabama

The First Scholars Program at The University of Alabama is available to 24 first-time freshmen who are first-generation college students (parents have no more than two years of education beyond high school and no postsecondary degree) who enroll full-time during this coming academic year.

These selected students will be selected to participate in a comprehensive support program including academic, social, personal development, and financial awards of $5,000 each, half disbursed in the fall and half in the spring semesters.  This award is renewable for four years, if students meet program requirements.

This scholarship requires that the recipients live on campus for the first academic year of college and outside of the family home the following three years in order to renew the scholarship.

Students must have applied and been admitted to The University; complete the Student Strengths Inventory; demonstrate financial need; complete the FAFSA by March 1st; be a U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen as defined by federal law; be eligible for in-state tuition.

Go to to apply.  Also, applications are available in Ms. Knight's office.

Students must submit all scholarship application materials by February 1st. 

2013 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

It takes courage to stand up for your beliefs.  In the Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy described eight U.S. elected officials who demonstrated political courage.  You are invited to write an essay on an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1956.  For further information about the essay and its submission, go to   Deadline for submission is January 5th!

UA Honors College - To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Contest

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of America's best novels, and it captures the ambiance and conflicts of small-town life in the Deep South during the Depression.  Harper Lee, its author, is from Monroeville, Alabama, and is one of the most important contributors to the canon of literature of the American South.

The essay should be typed, double-spaced, and 3 pages (600-750 words) in length.  Essays should be edited for errors of spelling, fact, and basic grammar.  The content MUST come from the student.

O.H.S. will choose a school winner, and this winner's essay will be sent to The Honors College to participate.  Essays must be turned in to Ms. Knight by November 30, 2012!

For further information, contact Dr. Fran Oneal in The Honors College at   Deadline for submission is 5:00 p.m. on December 14th!

GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program

The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program annually awards roughly 20 college-bound students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with $10,000 renewable scholarships up to $40,000 total per recipient.  For more information, eligibility requirements, and an online application, go to  Application deadline:  January 10th!

NCWIT Educator Award/Scholarship

Girls who are good in computing should apply for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing.  Winners will receive $500; a laptop; an engraved trophy for herself and her school's trophy case; and an expenses-paid trip to the national ceremony in Charlotte, NC.  Go to to apply.

Ron Brown Scholarship Program

This scholarship program seeks to identify African-American high school seniors who will make significant contributions to society.  Applicants must excel academically; exhibit exceptional leadership potential; participate in community service; and, demonstrate financial need.  Applicant must be a U.S. citizen.  Each year, a minimum of ten students will be designated Ron Brown Scholars and will receive $10,000 annually for four years for a total of $40,000.  The Ron Brown Scholar Program currently has two application deadlines:

November 1 - This application will be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar Program AND forwarded to a select, and limited number of, additional scholarship providers.

January 1 - Final postmarked deadline in order to be considered for only the Ron Brown Scholars Program.

Application materials must be mailed in one packet, including an official transcript and letters of recommendation.  Applications are available at  Application deadlines are November 1 and January 1!

ACT Poster Contest Scholarship

This is a national poster contest.  Students must design a poster (including visual and tag line) that, from your perspective, encourages students to attend college and to take the ACT test as their college entrance exam.  The winning poster will be posted in high schools nationwide to announce the 2013-2014 test date information.  Check the website for further information.  Go to  Poster deadline is in December.

Alabama Farmers Federation/ALFA Scholarships to Auburn University

This scholarship is for students who plan on majoring in any curriculum in the College of Agriculture or School of Forestry or for students majoring in Agricultural Engineering or Agricultural Education at Auburn. This tuition scholarship is renewable for four years.  Students must have applied and been accepted to Auburn to qualify.  Application deadline is December 1st.  Applications will be available in Ms. Knight's' office.

AXA Achievement Community Scholarship

Students must demonstrate ambition and drive; determination to set and reach goals; respect for self, family, and community; and, the ability to succeed in college.  Information and application are available online.  Go to  Application deadline is in December.

Linly Heflin Scholarship

This scholarship is available to a limited number of Alabama women who will be attending a four-year Alabama college.  Student must have a minimum 23 ACT score; must have a good academic record and significant economic need.  This $3,000 scholarship is renewable for four years.  Go to  Application deadline is January 1st!

JSU's Army ROTC Scholarship

This is a four-year scholarship through JSU's ROTC program.  It includes full tuition and fees for four years, plus extra money for room and board and books.  Recipient must be a U.S. citizen between the age of 17 and 26.  It requires a 2.5 GPA or higher with a minimum 19 ACT score.  Recipient must meet physical standards and agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on Active Duty or in a Reserve Component (U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard).  Go to  Application deadline is in January!

Smith Scholarship Foundation

The Smith Scholarship is aimed at Alabama's first-generation college student and takes into account the student's life, obstacles overcome, and the student's devotion to family and community.  Call (205) 202-4076 for further information or go to  Application must be postmarked by January 15th.  

Wal-Mart and Walton Family Foundations Scholarship

The Sam Walton Community Scholarship provides $3,000 to graduating seniors with at least a 2.5 GPA and a demonstrated financial need.

The Walton Family Foundation Scholarship provides $13,000 (paid out over four years) to applicants who are dependents of Wal-Mart Associates, have at least a 22 ACT and a demonstrated financial need.

Applications for both scholarships will be available November 1st.

The Wal-Mart Associate Scholarship awards $3,000, nonrenewable.  Student must have a 2.5 GPA and demonstrate financial need.  Scholarship is open to employees of Wal-Mart Stores or dependents of Wal-Mart Associates.

Application deadline is usually in January.  Check the website for details.  Go to

Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship

REMINDER:  You must apply online by OCTOBER 31, 2012!

Over 2,200 applicants are usually selected as Semifinalists for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship and are notified by mail and email by December 1st.  Semifinalists will then complete a secondary application that will include essays, official transcripts, and two letters of recommendation.  Semifinalist applications will be due by mid-January.  The Program Review Committee will then select 250 Finalists to advance to the final interview phase.  The notifications are sent out in mid-February.  In April, Finalists will be invited to Atlanta for personal interviews.  National Scholars will receive awards of $20,000; Regional Scholars will receive $10,000 for college.

To be eligible, you must be a senior in high school; have a 3.0 GPA or above; be a U.S. citizen, a U.S. National, or a U.S. Permanent Resident; must graduate by May; and, you must not be children or grandchildren of employees, officers, or owners of Coca-Cola bottling companies, divisions or subsidiaries.

To apply, go to