Thursday, October 25, 2012

UA Honors College - To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Contest

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of America's best novels, and it captures the ambiance and conflicts of small-town life in the Deep South during the Depression.  Harper Lee, its author, is from Monroeville, Alabama, and is one of the most important contributors to the canon of literature of the American South.

The essay should be typed, double-spaced, and 3 pages (600-750 words) in length.  Essays should be edited for errors of spelling, fact, and basic grammar.  The content MUST come from the student.

O.H.S. will choose a school winner, and this winner's essay will be sent to The Honors College to participate.  Essays must be turned in to Ms. Knight by November 30, 2012!

For further information, contact Dr. Fran Oneal in The Honors College at   Deadline for submission is 5:00 p.m. on December 14th!

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