Monday, November 26, 2012

Auburn University/Auburn University Montgomery Seamless Admission

Seamless Admission provides an alternative for those students who have their hearts set on attending Auburn University but who have lower GPAs and ACT scores.

To meet the general criteria for admission into the Seamless Program, students must have the following:

  1. A 2.3 or higher GPA
  2. An 18 ACT Composite or 860 SAT Composite
  3. Must have applied to AU as a freshman for the fall of 2013.
So, if you meet the above criteria, all you have to do now is to apply for admission to Auburn University.  You will then receive an invitation to the Seamless Program with your AU decision letter.  You will indicate your interest in Seamless Admission through an online interest form.  Auburn University will then forward the application and educational information to AUM.  In February, Seamless Admission will send out more information about the program and how to reserve your space in the Program.  Invitations will be mailed out on a rolling basis in November and through early Spring as admissions decisions are made by AU.  As a participant in the Seamless Program, you will be able to participate in AU activities and will take many courses on the AU campus.

See Ms. Knight if you have any questions.

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