Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2013 Smith Scholarship Program

The Smith Scholarship Foundation is designed to fund college scholarships for deserving students throughout Alabama.  Special consideration is given to applicants who would be the first in either their mother's or father's (or both parents') families to attend college.  However, it is not a requirement that applicants be the first in their family to attend college.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicants have the option to scan supporting documents and submit it with their on-line application.  This is the preferred method for providing documents.
  • If you cannot attach your supporting documents, you can mail them to the Smith Foundation.  You must send all information in one envelope.  Make sure your name is on each item.  DO NOT USE STAPLES.
  • A copy of your transcript must be included.
  • Student must have a minimum "C" average.
  • ACT or SAT scores should be attached or mailed.  No minimum test score is required for this scholarship.  If the test has not been taken yet, please provide the expected test date.
  • You must write your own essay on your future plans or goals of accomplishment for yourself.  The essay must be written by the applicant only.  It may be reviewed by a teacher, but the applicant must be the author.
  • You must provide 3 personal recommendations from teachers, counselors, a member of a volunteer organization, professional, or family members.  You will be prompted to provide the address, email and phone number of the person providing the recommendation.  Each person will automatically receive an email from the Smith Foundation requesting the recommendation.
  • You are required to provide a copy of pages (1) and (2) of the previous year's tax return for anyone in your household that files a tax return.  Please redact (remove with black marker or white-out) all social security numbers.
Apply online at  Application deadline - January 15, 2013, at 11:59 p.m. CST.

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